Monday, November 16, 2009

Motivate Me Monday- Organized Chaos

Today I decided to step out and be brave....I'm serious here. Today I'm going to show you a picture of my desk....shield yourself, or something might jump up out of the mess and grab you....believe me, you should be very afraid!:)  You know it's bad when you can't even type on your keyboard because you can't rest your elbows down, for the piles of stuff, or you can't even find your keyboard.:)

No, seriously, my desk is a huge mess right now. My husband says that I have "organized chaos." He says that if I need something, I know right where to go for it. I beg to differ after searching for a particular library book for what seemed like forever the other day. Come to find out, it was actually in Jacob's room, fallen down behind his bed. Now, I know what you're thinking....if my desk is this messy, then the rest of my house must be a disaster. Nope! It's not, I promise. Oh, it can get disastrous, living with three guys, but we do a pretty good job of clean-up. It's just that I get to working on so many projects at one time (at my desk); between homeschooling, writing, blogging, reviews, etc., my desk is a huge, heaping mess!

So, my motivation for you today is to take a look at your desk. Are all those piles really necessary? Do you really need all that stuff right there at your fingertips, or can you find a way to organize it and clean it up? Believe me, if I can clean up this mess (albeit, not perfectly, but better), then you can too, busy Mama!

Which brings me to my second point....sometimes our lives can get to be just as jumbled up inside as our desks. Our hearts can begin to be overcrowded with "stuff." Is "stuff" taking over your heart, threatening your relationship with your Father, threatening your relationship with your husband, or threatening your relationship with your children? What "stuff" is taking over, leading you down a road of exhaustion? Maybe it's time to give that "stuff" over to God, and let Him lead you.  Maybe it's time to say the word, "No." (Gasp!) Easier said than done, I know....but maybe it's just time for you to surrender it all in prayer.  Instead of eating cake when I'm stressed (I had an epiphane today; don't fault me!), I need to get on my knees, and maybe you do too.  After all, our Heavenly Father knows what is best for us. Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows- Luke 12:6-7 (NKJV).  With everything I am trying to do right now (being here for my husband/children, homeschooling, blogging/working with MamaBuzz/blogging with the Crew, church activities, writing the first chapter of my first book so my instructor can sift through it, truly trying not to extend the deadline on it this time,  etc.), I tend to get overwhelmed as soon as I get up in the mornings and look at my schedule/to do list for that day.  The thing I have to remember, though, is that the work is always going to be here....I just need to give my day over to God, let Him clear all that "stuff" away.  I think I'm writing this post more to myself than to anyone else....He knows my failures, and He knows all the "stuff" that is in my life.  

So, let's clear out that "stuff" that is squishing our joy levels down.  Let's start this day fresh, anew.  Let's give all that "stuff and clutter" over to God, and watch Him work.  Ok, maybe now it's time to clean off my desk, so I can think straight; plus, I need to find my camera.:)LOL  Have a wonderful Monday!

For more Motivate Me Monday, visit Sarah over at The Fifth Street Palace.


Goat Gal November 16, 2009 at 7:24 PM  

Stuff is totally taking over my life! Thanks for this motivation!

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