Friday, June 26, 2009

Can't Help It; I Have to Post About This

Michael Jackson Pictures, Images and Photos

I know you're all probably sick of hearing about Michael Jackson; another Hollywood tragedy, right? Maybe so....but I still have to post this. The Holy Spirit's been tugging at my heart through watching all the news coverage, hearing different opinions about what might have happened....but honestly, this is the plain and simple truth. If our eyes haven't been opened through all of this, then we really should reexamine our own hearts.

Michael died, and that alone is sad in and of itself, but the fact that he died, possibly without a Saviour, is the worst tragedy of all. Through all of the years of lawsuits, accusations, and drugs, it seems as if he was looking for something....I heard one professor say how lonely he was. I thought about this after watching that this morning. Michael may have been the "king of pop," but he was also just a fellow human in search of something to fill his life with meaning, and it seems that maybe he couldn't find it. Where were we in all of this? And I include myself here; don't get me wrong, I don't mean to condemn anyone.....but we sat back, sneering, maybe thinking how much sin he might have been involved in, evaluating his every move. Did we make an effort to reach out to this hurting, suffering soul? Not really.....there may have been some who did, but I can take a gander that the majority of us turned the other way. How even more tragic is this......and how often this happens.....

As another friend on Facebook put it, he was one of God's creations, and no matter the problems he had, God still loved Michael Jackson. I can imagine that God's heart is very grieved today over another, possibly, lost sinner; I say possibly because only God can judge a person's heart; we have no right to even try. One can only hope that somehow Michael reached out to God at some point in his life and realized his need for a Saviour. I find myself still praying even now that somehow he was saved; I definitely would like to meet him in Heaven some day.

This just goes to show that noone is invincible, no matter how much of a superstar he or she may be. Michael has family and children who loved him and are grieving over his loss, and if he truly wasn't saved, they have no hope of ever seeing him again....I truly pray that he was. I think it's time we start grieving too and step out of our Christian zones we're in and stand up and shout to the world that Jesus is Lord; not just shout it but live it in everything we say and do.....I totally include myself in this and don't mean to condemn, just to help open our eyes a little to see what we should be doing.....

The Bible says to be in the world, not of the world. Think about it!


Rose Casell June 27, 2009 at 12:51 PM  

Too often we gawk at the stars and don't pray for them. . .

Mary June 30, 2009 at 11:31 PM  

You never know...check this out.

Mel at Adventures of Mel June 30, 2009 at 11:43 PM  

exactly....we never know....that is really cool; I know it's too late to pray for him, but I still find myself praying that he was saved, somehow, that he came to Jesus before his death.....

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