Sunday, March 1, 2009

Calling All Women/Moms/Prayer Warriors

PRAYING HANDS MOM Pictures, Images and Photos

Today, as I sat here reading my book, The Yada Yada Prayer Group, I felt as if God was speaking to me through this book. My prayer life is not the strongest, most effervescent prayer life, and I honestly feel that I don't "know" how to pray. Prayer can be a touchy subject for many. As a Christian, I'm supposed to have a dynamic prayer life, but I don't; I long for it, but I don't have it. So, I had an idea. What if, as bloggy friends/moms/women, we kind of form our own "yada yada prayer group?" We could keep in touch regularly through email; maybe it's possible we could even start a blog of some kind for this. We could tell each other our requests, and in our personal time with the Lord, we could pray for each other, even pray for each other throughout the day. It could be a sort of prayer chain even. If you are interested and willing to commit to this, will you please leave me a comment, or even email me? This is something, that as moms/wives/women, we could do together to lift each other up, and at the same time build our prayer life up. After all, we understand, like no other, what we go through each day as Christian women/wives/moms. If you are in, and if you have ideas towards this, please let me know! I am very excited now!:)


Lisa March 1, 2009 at 8:47 PM  




Amanda March 2, 2009 at 12:52 PM  

I love the Yada Yada books! My pastor's wife held a Bible study on it for several months for the women in the church! It was wonderful and it bridged age barriers so well! I think the Yada Yada prayer group is a great thing.

Mel at Adventures of Mel March 2, 2009 at 2:45 PM  

I can't wait to read all of these books; this one is so good, it's hard to put down. I'm working on figuring out a blog for this and thinking of other things to incorporate; I think this could be a great online thing....but it will take some work at first.:) So, I'm workin on it....:)

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