Wednesday, January 28, 2009

10 "G" Things That I Love

Ruth over at Life's Journeys put out a challenge to name 10 things that I love; but they all have to start with the letter "G." So, here goes:
1) God- My life would be nothing without God; He is the reason I live and breathe and work and play. I love God and just am so grateful for everything He has done for us, including sending His one and only Son to die for our sins, so that we don't have to suffer. What an amazing love!
2) God's Word- I love, love, love the new Bible that I got for Christmas; it's the Chronological Study Bible (NKJV). It is awesome and has so many tidbits of history that correlate with the Scriptures. It is not in regular order like a normal Bible, so it can be fun sometimes finding my passage, but I love it!
3) Grapes- Concord grapes are the best!
4) Great friends- I know I had to put that "great" in there to make it a "g" word, but I love my good friends that I have both in person and online.
5) Groban, Josh.:) His music just calms me and inspires me.
6) Gilmore Girls- I'm very sad that they stopped making the show; it was just an awesome show!
7) Gardening- Definitely not very good at it, but I sure love trying, especially growing flowers.
8) Guys- Now before you get the wrong idea, let me rephrase that.....I love MY GUYS!:) Dan, Jacob, and Jaden.....My Guys, my boys, my loves.
9) Grandparents- My Grandma and Grandpa Atkins I was very close to, and I just miss them so much! I never got to meet my Grandpa Delaney, but I know I would have loved him very much. My Grandma Delaney is a one of a kind lady; she worked hard, and her life was definitely not boring.
10) Google- I mean, come on, it's an awesome starting point for all things searchable.:)
Ok, so I'm done.....whew! That was fun, but it required brain power. I think I need some more Fish Oil. Thanks, Ruth, for sending me the letter "g."


Maritez January 28, 2009 at 4:43 PM  

I am SO with you on #6...I LOVE Gilmore Girls..I own every season on DVD just so I can keep watching :D

Anonymous January 29, 2009 at 3:11 PM  

I have a chronological bible too but I cannot take it to church b/c I get lost! hahaha...but I love all the history and extra facts!
oh and today I was at walmart and our walmart is liquidating their fabric...must be a chainwide thing!
What the heck...? I start sewing again I lose walmart's fabric accessability!

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