Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Relevant 2010

Ok, I know that I put up this big, long post about Blogher and attending that conference....but after serious consideration and prayer, I've decided on a change of plans; God has a way of changing our plans, doesn't He?  (I'd just like to say that the Blogher conference would be a tremendous blessing; this decision was just a personal decision for myself.)
My MamaBuzz partner, Melissa J., introduced me to the Relevant Conference, and as the day wore on, I just couldn't stop thinking about it.  I just had an incredible peace about I talked it over with my husband, and we both agreed that this conference would be better, for me, at this time, in more than one way....

For one thing, I wouldn't have near as many expenses, which is a huge factor right now with us trying to get out of debt and be able to get out to see his family....which brings me to my next point; it's in Harrisburg!  It's an hour away from my husband's family!  My main reasons are that it is a conference to not only encourage and help me learn ways to become a more intentional writer and blogger, but to become a more intentional wife and mom too, as a child of God.  

So, I will keep you updated and informed on the situation....I'm so excited and psyched about this opportunity!  I will need to find a sponsor/s, but if God is for it, who can be against it?:)  Exciting times!  Melissa J. plans to go, as well, so it will be a refreshing, educational time for both of us, as we seek to grow in our careers as full-time mommies and writers.  Love ya'all!:) 


Windthicket Fables February 17, 2010 at 9:28 PM  

Sounds amazing. Wish I could go too. How do you find sponsors?

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys February 18, 2010 at 7:22 AM  

I would love to go to Relevent....but would need a sponsor to go. I hope you get to go!

Kate February 18, 2010 at 1:31 PM  

I second the first comment! I'm interested to know too!

Claudya Martinez February 18, 2010 at 11:06 PM  

I'm sure you will have a spectacular time!

Thank you so much for visiting on my SITs day!

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