Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just Can't Get Enough

I know my blog has been full of reviews this week....I've been desperately working to get completely caught up and ahead with the Crew, so that I can be ahead of the game and have more time for MamaBuzz and personal posts, as well....bear with me.:)  This week has seemed like it's in slow motion; I'm not feeling the greatest, haven't really been for the last couple weeks.  I don't know what's going on.   

Last night in choir, though, Pastor Jeff introduced us to a new song, and I just can't get enough of it.  I thought I'd share with you all.  It's called Mighty Wind, and it's written by Andrae Crouch.  Oh my, it is beautiful, and I can not wait to sing it in church in the future.  We're just starting to work on it.  Listen to it, and tell me if you can't feel a mighty wind just come rushing into the very room where you's amazing how the Holy Spirit can lift us up through music, isn't it?  Enjoy!:)


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